The 'Lasers are Cool' update available now!

For this update we focussed on adding act 3 panels. Our general idea is that act 1 panels are all about player movement, act 2 panels about automation and act 3 panels are wild sci-fi techy stuff! Most of these panels you'll have to check out in the challenge modes since act 3 is not in the game yet. 

As well as adding more panels we've rebalanced the existing panels based on how we've been seeing people play with them. Our aim was to make the panels more powerful from act to act, but relatively balanced within a single act. ...but when you figure out how to get panels to work well together it deliberately throws that out the window and rewards you for discovering that stuff. We've also removed the requirement to unlock a set number of stars before you transition to the second act. Looking at our data we found that people often stopped at the end of act 1, we also saw a few streamers feel a little bummed when they found out they would need to start again. So now you can just move on as soon as you want to. There are still lots of reasons to loop round again, to try new challenges, unlock more panels, stars and story.

New Panels


The set of panels which are going to have the biggest impact this patch are the lasers. There are 6 panels associated with them, the laser itself and 5 beam directors...'s up to you to experiment and figure out what the laser does.

Solar Sail

The solar sail generates thrust from the laser and the longer the laser beam that hits it the higher the thrust... ...but you need to hit the sail from the correct direction!


The flywheel stores energy when your vehicle is slowing down. At any point you can convert that energy back into thrust by activating it.

Gravity Wells

Watching the wild boulder builds you have all been experimenting with led us to these two panels. They are gravity and anti-gravity generators tuned specifically to the frequency of boulders. They require electricity and the amount of electricity changes the size of the force.

Other Changes

Increased minimum distance of daily challenges.
Bonus effect of boulders hitting props now decreases over time. This avoids situations where you could use the boulder to start a prop spinning and still get the bonus when you spun it with wind.
Slightly reduced the size of boulders to make them easier to use.
Corrected the spelling of Propeller in a number of places.
Upgraded to latest versions of third party libraries (Unity, Rewired, Ink).
Reduced cost and weight of sails.
Reduced mass of horizontal bellows.
Decreased cost and mass of steam engine.
Increased steam engine thrust.
Decreased cost of water tanks.
Decreased cost and mass of rocket engine.
Increased thrust of rocket engine.
Decreased price and weight of waterwheel.
Decreased cost of dehumidifier.
Decreased cost of fans.
Decreased cost and mass of boulders.
Decreased mass of bumpers.
Decreased price of pea shooter.
Decreased cost of cannon and catapult.
Decreased cost and weight of trampoline.
Decreased mass of time dilation device.
Changed text on end of act blueprint selector to make its function clearer.
You no longer need to collect stars to unlock act 2.
Increased par speeds for all legs.

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Sep 28, 2020 328 MB
Sep 28, 2020

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